Friday, March 17, 2023

St. Patrick's Day in Heaven

St. Patrick's Day in Heaven, all the saints were wearing green.
The host put on a party like none had ever seen.
There were guests from every nation, all trying to set the pace,
boasting of some ancestor who'd sprung from the Irish race.

St. Peter was guest of honor, he tickled a tune on his keys.
St. Christopher danced an Irish jig--medals hung down to his knees.
St. Francis got his birds to sing, their sweet notes filled the air.
Joan of Arc helped St. Brigid to pass around the fare.

For entertainers, they had the cream.
Each act in itself was really supreme.
Noah had his animals, same as on the ark,
highly trained each one, and all were on their mark.

St. Nicholas gave each guest a toy,
and Moses grinned like a little boy.
With his buddies Isaac, Jacob, and Sol,
they enjoyed the Irish and had a ball.

Christopher Columbus, a comedian of note,
told some funny yarns of life out on a boat.
St. Andrew did a highland fling,
which greatly amused Martin Luther King.

John McCormack sang in a voice so pure,
he'd sung with the angels' chorus I'm sure.
The Epistles--a group--were really gone,
they're known as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Many visitors came throughout the day,
from Archangel Mike to J.F.K.
All agreed that St. Patrick, one of their best,
had really made Ireland the Isle of the Blessed.

-Dick Brennan

 [I'll update this with a year once I know. Only tiny fixes made on the original. -Sean]

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